How To Get Her To Use Sex Toys Early In Our Open Adult Relationship: 5 Great Tips
Playing with sex toys with your girl is fun. But it is not always easy to convince a woman to try them out, unless she had been using these toys for some time. This is to be expected since sex toys are not commonly used by couples. But this does not mean it is impossible. Convincing her to use sex toys with you require subtlety and conversation skills to slowly break down the “I’m not a slut” shield. And today you will know about the great tips to make her use these sexually fascinating toys.
I have learned that there are 5 great ways to convince her to play with sex toys. And today I am sharing this information with you. Read them carefully and take notes so that you can use them effectively in your next sexual encounter.
1. Ask her about sex toys
It is always best to start out small. When your girlfriend is still not exposed to sex toys you must ask her first if she is open to trying them out. And start asking about the basic sex toys such as vibrators. If she happens to use it then move to a conversation on how she feels about the toy. This way you can gauge her level of enthusiasm with sex toys.
From there you can explore more about her opinion regarding using sex toys beyond that of vibrators. The next toy to discuss will be handcuffed and other ones that do not involve pain. These are the handcuffs, blindfolds and even ropes. Costumes are also great for first time encounters. Introduce your girlfriend to a dominatrix outfit and she may even love it.
2. Apply them on yourself first
She is most likely afraid to use sex toys. To help her face such fear use the sex toys for yourself first. This applies to all sex toys that you want her to use one day, except for vibrators. Show her how handcuffs are played during sex. Show her that there is nothing to fear when playing with them with you. This way she will see for herself that it is safe to play with sex toys. She will even find it arousing which will further convince her to use them one day with you.
3. Get one as a gift to her
Forget about romantic gifts during special occasions for once and consider a sexual gift. Once she opens the gift she will most likely welcome it. The move also communicates that you want to be sexually adventurous with her which will frighten her a little bit but also arouse her. This is because you want to do it with her which is proven by the sex toy that you gave her.
You can even give her the dominatrix outfit and even see her try it on. This will be very stimulating for her as she envisions herself wearing the costume when she makes love to you.
4. Convince her to be more adventurous
A woman will use sex toys if she is sexually adventurous. So talk to her about boundaries during sex. Tell her that you want to explore her sexuality and your own in bed and experience varied ways of sexual pleasure with her. Be sincere about this type of confession. She must see from your eyes and your words that you want to explore things with her and that you are willing to take the time if she happens to be reluctant at times.
Tell her about role playing during sex where you will use the sex toys as props. The dominatrix costume plus the whip will be a good start since she will be more of the doer than the receiver during sex. For handcuffs you can appeal to her sexual fantasies where she is being dominated or captured and then take sexually.
5. Try it once
A good experience with sex toys will surely make a woman want to try them again. So once you have her convinced that handcuffs are safe after demonstrating it to her in one steamy night, set a date where she will be the one to get handcuffed in bed. Be sure to make her feel great throughout the experience. This way she will be begging you to use other sex toys next time.