7 Sneaky Facebook Status Updates That Will Leave Her Wondering What You’re Up To …
Now, a lot of guys are wondering about the Facebook statuses that would leave a girl wondering about them. This is because women are the most frequent people on Facebook and they commonly respond to statuses that piqued their interest and curiosity.
Today, I am going to share with you 7 Facebook statuses that I have found effective in making women wonder what you are up to. This will make them think about you that once you contact them they would ask you a lot of things.
1. Time to have some fun!
Everyone one wants to have fun. And when women are at home and not enjoying it, this Facebook status from a guy they know will drive their interest into overdrive. They will be thinking “Oh, he is going to have a good time. I wish I was going with him!” and then make them ask about your status. They will be thinking of where you are going – are you going out alone or with friends or with girls? The curiosity intensifies into jealousy if she happens to be stuck at home.
2. She’s amazing!
If there is something that will really pique a woman’s interest, especially the attractive ones, is when a man praises a woman that she never knows and can never see. What happens in their minds is that there is this guy she knows, had spent time with, and he is praising another woman in the Internet for the world to see, something you have not done to her. She now wants to be that girl that you consider amazing. For sexually experienced women, this status can make them think that you are praising a woman for the sexual capabilities, something for them to be jealous about.
3. Anything about your Crush
This is similar to the “She’s amazing” status. So remember to keep the name of your crush a secret. This will drive women into thinking who she is and why do you have a crush on her. And if these women have a crush on you, the better is the effect. They will be wondering if you are talking about them and wish for a day to be with you.
4. Free again!
This Facebook status communicates one thing to girls: that you are free to go look for a new girl. And every single girl that you know who are attracted to you will definitely think of being a candidate for your new girlfriend. That should keep them thinking about you, what you are up to and when they will see you again. And do not forget about your newly ex-girlfriend.
5. Sweet lines from a happy love song
Love songs are very popular with the ladies, especially the romantic and happy ones. Focus on love songs that praise a girl like the first popular song of the boy band One Direction. These are powerful status messages that will make girls think about you and think that your status is about them. I usually get a lot of response from women, asking me for whom is the status for.
6. Powerful messages for the season
When it’s Christmas, Facebook also celebrates. The same is true during the Christian Holy Week and Valentine’s Day. But status messages during these times are typical and uninteresting. So if you want to get notice prepare a status that stands out in the international level. It can be longer status messages with deep meaning. This will make you look impressive to anyone, including women. It will tell them that you are more than meets the eye making you further interesting and attractive.
7. Manly stuff
When you are doing something masculine or manly, it is best to share it to the world through your Facebook status. Manly stuff is doing woodworks, playing sports like basketball and football, workouts and martial arts training. But that is not all. Statements where you define what a man is and what a woman is can be very powerful. I once posted in the Facebook status “A Woman is born. Man must become.” and the people who liked it and responded in the overly positive way where the women in my friends list.